Wednesday, August 31, 2016

King Philip IV of Spain

King Philip IV of Spain by Gian Lorenzo Berniniand and Girolamo Lucenti, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome

King Philip IV of Spain by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and and Girolamo Lucenti, 1666
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore
Rome, April 2013

“In front of the entrance to the basilica of S. Maria Maggiore, at the right side of Ferdinando Fuga's portico, stands an over-life-sized bronze statue of Philip IV of Spain. El Rey Planeta, the Planet King, appears as a powerful military leader, dressed in antique cuirass, military cloak and boots, holding a scepter in his outstretched right hand and resting his left hand on the hilt of his sword. He stands in an exaggerated contrapposto and turns his head to his right, directing his gaze beyond the raised scepter as if he were about to utter a command. Philip is represented as a heroic figure, a warrior-king and guardian of the Church. From its conspicuous location in the basilica, even the casual observer can infer that this imposing statue occupies an important place in the public image of S. Maria Maggiore.” (Steven F. Ostrow, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Girolamo Lucenti, and the Statue of Philip IV in S. Maria Maggiore)

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