Friday, August 26, 2016

Empty Lot

Empty Lot by Abraham Cruzvillegas, Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, London

Assembling “Empty Lot” by Abraham Cruzvillegas, 2015
Turbine Hall, Tate Modern
Bankside, Southwark
London, September 2015

“In 2015, Cruzvillegas accepted the Tate Modern Turbine Hall commission; his work, 'Empty Lot' is on display between 13th October 2015 and 3rd April 2016.[14] The work consists of 240 wooden triangular plots bordered with wooden frames, filled with 23 tonnes of soil collected from different parks and gardens across London (including Hackney Marshes, Peckham Rye, the Horniman Museum and Buckingham Palace). The entire work is raised on two large stepped, triangular scaffolded platforms, overlooked by growing light, and interspersed with smaller sculptural works.” (Abraham Cruzvillegas, Wikipedia)

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