Friday, June 3, 2016

Eternal Wanderer

Eternal Wanderer by Igor Golubev, monument to the Belarusan painter Yazep Drazdovich, Troitskoe Predmestie, Minsk

«Вечный странник» (Eternal Wanderer) by Igor Golubev, 1993
Monument to the Belarusian painter Yazep Drazdovich
Bogdanovich Street, Troitskoe Predmestie
Minsk, September 1996

“Painter, sculptor, engraver, writer, poet, archaeologist, folklorist, teacher, traveler ... Yazep Drazdovich made a lot during his short life. Painter by profession, he has written scenic pictures of the history of the Principality of Polack, has introduced the national colors in the portraits of Prince Useslau the Sorcerer and Skaryna, wrote a historical novel ‘Virgin Forest Haradoĺsky’, published the first Belorussian book on astronomy ‘Orbits of Heaven’ (1930), dreamed about the publication of the monograph ‘Theory of movements in the cosmological aspect’ (1949)… He threw up Belarusian cities and towers on the Moon, created drawings of ‘space torpedoes,’ on which ‘earthly tourists’ have to take a trip to some planets of the solar system. Also he is known for recording folklore, processing popular vocabulary for dictionaries, studying the bed of Nyamiha river in Minsk, conducting the excavations in the towns of Zaslaue and Svir.” (Yazep Narcyzavich Drazdovich)

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