Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Chiesa della Natività

Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity by Michail Preobrazenskij, Via Leone X, Florence

Chiesa russa ortodossa della Natività (Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity)
By Michail Preobrazenskij and Giuseppe Boccini, 1902
Via Leone X
Florence, May 2016

“Early donations from wealthy Russians in Florence, including major contributions by the Demidov princes of San Donato, pushed the project forward. Even so, there remained many funding difficulties to overcome before the church, which is designed in the northern Russian style, could be consecrated upon completion on October 26, 1903. The church in Florence houses many historic relics of the Russian Orthodox Church, including works by both Russian and Italian artists. Beautiful icons of the apostles, patron saints of the church and the passion of Christ cover the interior walls. These are hidden treasures for those lucky enough to enter the church when mass services are not being held. The two-level interior, which houses numerous historic artifacts, is a glimpse into the rich history of Russians who called Florence their home.” (A monument in need, The Florentine)

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