Saturday, April 23, 2016

San Trovaso

Church of San Trovaso, Campo San Trovaso, Dorsoduro

Church of San Trovaso by Francesco Smeraldi, 1584
(dedicated to sts. Gervasius and Protasius)
Campo San Trovaso, Dorsoduro
Venice, September 2013

“The name is a Venetian blending of three saints: San Protasio and San Gervasio (Gervasius and Protasius) twin brothers and martyrs from Milan who were also the sons of martyrs, and San Crisogno (Saint Chrysogonus) an ancient Roman saint martyred in Aquila. The 10th Century church was rebuilt by the Barbarigo and Caravella families in 1028 and again after the fire of 1105. The nave of this building collapsed on 11th September 1583, with work on the present church beginning in the following year, probably to a design by Francesco Smeraldi, a pupil of Palladio, although sometimes Palladio himself is credited with the design, which is unlikely as he had died 3 years before the collapse. Consecration followed in 1657. There was hefty restoration work in the 19th Century, especially to the altars. Further work, mostly on the roof, was carried out in 1987.” (San Trovaso, The Churches of Venice)

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