Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Dinner in the Sky

Dining suspended 25 meters in the air, Upper Ground, South Bank, London

Dining suspended 25 meters in the air
Upper Ground, South Bank
London, September 2015

“Last year's inaugural London in the Sky event - when adventurous diners were treated to a three course meal 25 metres above Canary Wharf - was so successful that it's back in 2015 for an extended fourteen-day stay. This time the platform will be suspended above the South Bank - changed from its original location at St Katharine Docks - next to the BFI, Hayward Gallery and Queen Elizabeth Hall. The air-bourne restaurant which seats 22 (strapped in) guests employs some of London's finest chefs including Dan Doherty of Duck & Waffle, Robert Ortiz of Lima, Mark Sargeant of Morden & Lea, Sophie Michell of Pont St, and Mike Reid of M Restaurants.” (London in the Sky, LondonTown)

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