Thursday, December 10, 2015

VIII Agosto 1848


Monumento ai caduti del VIII Agosto 1848
(Monument to the fallen of August 8th, 1948) by Pasquale Rizzoli, 1903
Park of Montagnola
Piazza VIII Agosto
Bologna, June 2015

“After hosting several activities, during the napoleonic era Piazza del Mercato became Piazza D'Armi because here military training was organized. On 8th August 1848 the inhabitans of Bologna won against the Austrian army and decided to rename the square which hosted the battle to homage that victory. From that moment on, the square came to be known as Piazza VIII Agosto and the statue by Pasquale Rizzoli, Monumento al Popolano, still recalls it.” (Piazza VIII Agosto, Bologna Welcome)

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