Friday, November 6, 2015

I Passi d'Oro

I Passi d’Oro, The Golden Strides by Maurizio Barni, Via dei Georgofili, Florence

“I Passi d'Oro” (The Golden Strides) by Maurizio Barni, 2013
Wall of the Uffizi Gallery
Via dei Georgofili
Florence, October 2015

“This year on May 26, the Uffizi Gallery, together with the Friends of Florence, unveiled a specially commissioned statue, which is placed some 20 meters above ground on the wall of the Uffizi Gallery facing Via dei Georgofili. Made by Tuscan artist Roberto Barni, the 2-meter tall statue in bronze is entitled ‘I Passi d’Oro’ (The Golden Strides). It was presented to the public in the Salone de' Cinquecento of the Palazzo Vecchio by president of the Italian Senate, Pietro Grasso, with members of the Association of Relatives of the Victims of via dei Georgofili in attendance.” (The Monument to a Tragedy, Tuscan Traveler)

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