Tuesday, November 24, 2015

1 Police Plaza

1 Police Plaza, Headquarters of the NYPD, Park Row, Civic Center, New York

1PP or 1 Police Plaza by Gruzen and Partners, 1973
Headquarters of the New York City Police Department
Park Row, Civic Center
New York, September 2008

“Gruzen & Partners was so ‘successful in obtaining commissions in the civic center area,’ Mr. Goldberger wrote in ‘The City Observed: New York,’ that the blocks around the Municipal Building ‘seem at first glance to consist entirely of structures of its design.’ These include 1 Police Plaza, a monumental, red-brick, waffle-iron of a building, and a striking departure from typical government architecture when it was completed in 1973; the boldly sculptural Chatham Terrace towers of 1965, where the play of light and shadow on concrete recalls the work of Le Corbusier; and the sinuous Chatham Green of 1961, a slender slab of apartments in the form of a shallow S.” (An Architect’s Legacy of Solid Design and Optimism, The New York Times)

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