Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rotonda degli Scolari

Rotunda, church of St. Mary of the Angels, Florence
Rotonda degli Scolari (Scholars' Rotunda), originally by Filippo Brunelleschi
Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli (Church of St. Mary of the Angels)
Via degli Alfani / Via del Castellaccio
Florence, April 2014

“In 1434, Filippo Brunelleschi was commissioned by the Medici family to design an oratory for the monastery. It was located at the corner of the property, along the outer wall. Though construction was rapid, it was halted due to funding problems in 1437. In 1503, the shell was given a simple wooden roof, but the structure deteriorated rapidly. The building, which was used for various purposes, was patched up and given its modern appearance in the 1930s. It was given to the university and thus its more modern name Rotonda degli Scolari (‘Scholars' Rotunda’).” (Church of St. Mary of the Angels, Florence, Wikipedia)

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