Monday, September 21, 2015

Three-Way Piece: Points

Three-Way Piece: Points by Henry Moore, Revson Plaza, Columbia University, New York

“Three-Way Piece: Points” by Henry Moore, 1967
Revson Plaza, Columbia University
Morningside Heights
New York, September 2008

“The curvaceous bronze form’s three ‘feet’ rest on a bronze platform set in a concrete cylindrical base. With no clear back or front, “Three-Way Piece” encourages the viewer to walk around the sculpture and observe the campus from different vantage points. Its placement on the north end of Revson Plaza emphasizes the viewer’s elevated position on a pedestrian bridge above Amsterdam Avenue. The undulating surfaces echo the round walls of St. Paul’s Chapel to the northwest but contrast to the linear beams of Jerome Greene Hall to the southeast.” (Flying Horses, Tightrope Walkers and Other Campus Icons, Columbia Law School)

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