Thursday, August 6, 2015

Via de' Giudei

Stylized map of the former Jewish ghetto, via de' Giudei, Bologna

Stylized map of the former Jewish ghetto
Via de' Giudei (Street of the Jews)
Bologna, June 2015

“The layout of Bologna's 16th century ghetto can still be precisely traced amid the narrow streets in the medieval heart of the city: here, a maze of alleys, covered bridges and small windows tells the story of a whole community forced to live in a specific area of the town by order of the Papal State beginning from 1556. In Bologna, Jews lived in the ghetto until 1569, when they were expelled for the first time. In 1586, they were allowed to come back to town and lived here again until 1593, year of their final expulsion: 900 people left Bologna and no Jewish community was allowed into town for more than two centuries” (The former Jewish ghetto and its workshops, Bologna Welcome)