Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Covent Garden Market

Covent Garden market, London

Covent Garden Market by Charles Fowler, 1833
Covent Garden Piazza
London, September 2014

“The Piazza was laid out in 1631 by Inigo Jones. Its layout owed much to his knowledge of the formally-designed piazzas of Italy, particularly the market square at Leghorn, and to the Place des Vosges in Paris; Summerson has described it as ‘the first great contribution to English urbanism.’ Some of the original street names have been retained: King Street, Charles Street, Henrietta Street were named in honour of Charles I and his Queen Henrietta Maria; Catherine Street, from the consort of Charles II. Bedford Street, Russell Street, Southampton Street and Tavistock Street derive their names from the titles of the Russell family.” (Brief History of Covent Garden, Covent Garden Area Trust)


  1. the last time I was in London I had a pizza here at a place co-owned by Jamie Oliver and Chris Bianco of Phoenix. It was in late November and the place was beautifully decorated for the holidays.
