Sunday, June 7, 2015

Rucellai Sepulchre

Rucellai Sepulchre, Rucellai Chapel, deconsecrated church of San Pancrazio, Florence

Rucellai Sepulchre, Rucellai Chapel
Deconsecrated church of San Pancrazio
Via della Spada
Florence, April 2015

“The Cappella Rucellai, also known as Santo Sepolcro, was quickly executed and concluded in 1467, as is attested to by the date inscribed in Latin above the entrance door, and is a scale copy of the building in Jerusalem (said to be Christ’s original tomb) which circulated in numerous drawings in the Renaissance. It was the modest tomb chapel of the patron, Giovanni Ruccellai, who was pretty much the second richest man in Florence at the time.” (Rucellai Chapel and Alberti’s Tempietto del Santo Sepolcro, ArtTrav)


  1. It's nice looking, but I would never have recognized it as the Holy Sepulchre.
