Thursday, June 25, 2015

Portico dei Servi

Portico dei Servi, Strada Maggiore, Bologna

Portico dei Servi
Strada Maggiore
Bologna, June 2015

“In the case of Santa Maria dei Servi, the piazza in front of the basilica was quite small—which permitted building a wide arcade around it that encloses the entire square without interruption. The arcade is closed on one side by the conventual buildings, but on two sides it is open to the street, and extends along the entire left side of the building. Where the arcade meets the facade, it forms a ‘narthex’ or wide portico of five arches, stretching across the front of the church. The arcade has a decorative cornice and circular moulding on the spandrels echoes the ocular window in the facade.” (Basilica di Santa Maria dei Servi, Wikipedia)