Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sala Sinopoli

Sala Sinopoli, Parco della Musica, Rome

Sala Sinopoli
Auditorium Parco della Musica
Viale Pietro de Coubertin
Rome, May 2012

“Parco della Musica was designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano. Jürgen Reinhold from Müller-BBM was in charge of acoustics in the three concert halls; Franco Zagari was landscape architect for the outdoor spaces. The three large concert halls are Sala Petrassi, in memory of Goffredo Petrassi, about 700 seats; Sala Sinopoli, in memory of Giuseppe Sinopoli, about 1200 seats; and Sala Santa Cecilia, about 2800 seats. They are structurally separated to ensure soundproofing, though joined at the base by a continuous lobby. A fourth ‘concert hall’, called Cavea, is the open air theater recalling ancient Greek and Roman theaters. The fan-shaped layout is formed around the central piazza.” (Parco della Musica, Wikipedia)

See also: Sala Santa Cecilia

1 comment:

  1. That's quite unique and looks like it can launch into the sky anytime.
