Friday, May 1, 2015

Regents Place Pavilion

Regents Place Pavilion by Carmody Groarke, Regents Place, Camden, London

Regents Place Pavilion by Carmody Groarke, 2009
Regents Place, Camden
London, September 2014

“The pavilion is created by a field of steel rods supporting a thin plate canopy eight metres above the streetscape. Pathways are defined within the pavilion by removing clusters of the rod structure, creating a generous seating area. These pathways reveal various densities of vertical rods, which shimmer in sunlight by day and reflect intense projected light by night, generating a visual moiré effect for passers by. At night the visual transparency of the structure is reinforced by up-lighting the clusters of rods - the pavilion appears to 'hold' light within its structure.” (Regents Place Pavilion, Carmody Groarke)

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