Friday, February 13, 2015

Through the Keyhole

Saint Peter's Basilica seen through the keyhole of the gate
Villa del Priorato di Malta
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, Aventine Hill
Roma, May 2012

“Known affectionately by Romans as the ‘hole of Rome’ its abiding attraction draws queues of visitors to this peaceable ‘out of the way’ spot. No key is required: it is sufficient to put an open eye to the keyhole, and focus. With kaleidoscope charm, a vision of St Peter's dome (affectionately known to Romans as the ‘Cupolone’) perfectly in perspective, framed by the tops of trees in the foreground, opens up. Often wrapped in a thin mysterious mist, seems to stand at the end of the garden path, just beyond the door.” (Piazza of Knights of Malta,

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