Thursday, January 8, 2015

Peace Fountain

Elephant, Peace Fountain by Greg Wyatt, Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, New York

Peace Fountain by Greg Wyatt, 1985
Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
Amsterdam Avenue, Morningside Heights
New York, September 2008

“At the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 112th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, is an enormous fountain erected in 1985. The cast-bronze work stands 40 feet tall, weighs 16 tons and has a place of honor on the church's Great Lawn, where two peacocks are sometimes seen strutting around. Entitled ‘Peace Fountain,’ it is the work of the sculptor Greg Wyatt, and is an amalgam of forms and figures that include nine giraffes, an enormous crab, a sun face, a moon face and a DNA-like spiral. At the heart of this maelstrom stands the figure of the archangel Michael, who has just finished beheading Lucifer, whose head hangs by a thread.” (A Look at the Splashiest Shows in Town, The New York Times)

See also: Peace Elephant - Mikhail Baryshnikov - Two Rivers - Two Peacocks - Soul of the Arts

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