Saturday, January 10, 2015

Nicola Pisano

Statue of Nicola Pisano by Salvino Salvini, Pisa

Statue of Nicola Pisano by Salvino Salvini, 1864
Santa Maria del Carmine
Corso Italia
Pisa, December 2014

“The first classical work of the Renaissance period is Nicola Pisano's pulpit for the Baptistery of Pisa Cathedral, which he signed and dated in 1260. Both its general form and the modelling and pose of some of the figures show the influence of antique sculpture, which Nicola could have studied in Apulia, where he lived as a young man. The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, under the rule of Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor, produced a secular style of classicizing sculpture which also affected Nicola's training.” (Michael Greenhalgh, Nicola Pisano and Giotto: Founders of Renaissance Classicism)

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