Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Barclays Cycle Hire

Barclays Cycle Hire docking station, Monument Street, City of London, London

Barclays Cycle Hire docking station
Monument Street, City of London
London, September 2014

“The first 30 minutes of bicycle use are free, so if you spent the day cycling between bike racks less than 30 minutes apart - bear in mind that the time will increase as the day progresses - you could have all this for a quid. Then again, if you keep the bike for more than 24 hours there's a £150 penalty, so it's not much cop if you want to go on a cycling holiday in the Black Forest. On the whole, though, it's almost a brilliant idea. But there are two obvious problems. The first is that, by being yoked to the rack system, the bicycle, this ultimate symbol of mobility and freedom for the masses, effectively becomes public transport: it doesn't leave from precisely where you are and doesn't arrive at exactly where you want to be. Unless you work as a bicycle rack attendant, the very point of the bicycle is somewhat defeated.” (Cycling proficiency with James May, The Telegraph)

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