Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Porta San Sebastiano

Porta San Sebastiano, St. Sebastian's Gate, Rome

Porta San Sebastiano (St. Sebastian's Gate)
Via di Porta San Sebastiano
Rome, April 2014

“St. Sebastian's Gate (Porta San Sebastiano) is one of the best-preserved remaining gates that was originally part of Rome's Aurelian Walls. The wall was first constructed in the third century as a point of defense for the city and was later rebuilt and added on to in later centuries. The gate was originally called Porta Appia, but later renamed after the catacombs found nearby. A single archway still allows traffic to pass through and the marble and brick structure remains in good condition thanks to its preservation and restoration. The interior boasts a museum dedicated to the ancient Roman walls and gates.” (St. Sebastian's Gate, Home & Abroad)


  1. Makes me smile when I think how many structures have been built just within the last few decades that won't last much longer. :-)

  2. Very imposing! I'm trying to imagine how invaders would feel arriving at this gate in the 3rd century. Uneasy, probably. It's wonderful that it's been restored and preserved.
