Friday, December 12, 2014

Malta Day Procession

Malta Day street procession with the Statue of Our Lady of Victories, Victoria Street, London

Malta Day procession with the Statue of Our Lady of Victories
Victoria Street, City of Westminster
London, September 2014

“Malta Day-UK - on Saturday 13th September 2014 - An all day event organised under the auspices of the Malta High Commission in London: Maltese Fair at Westminster Cathedral Hall in the morning (at about 10.00 am), Solemn Mass in the afternoon (about 2.30 pm) followed by Street Procession with the Statue of Our Lady of Victories, (il-Bambina), with brass band and fireworks. In the evening the celebrations will continue with a reception/dinner & dance at a luxurious venue. More details and full programme will follow later. Mark this date in your diary. This is an event that no true Maltese should miss!” (Forthcoming Events, Maltese Culture Movement)

1 comment:

  1. London? Who would think? I'd love to see the parade, though, and hear the music!
