Monday, December 8, 2014

Charles Lamb

Charles Lamb Centenary Memorial, by William Reynolds-Stephens, Giltspur Street, City of London, London

Centenary Memorial to Charles Lamb by William Reynolds-Stephens, 1935
Watch House
Giltspur Street, City of London
London, October 2009

“Charles Lamb grew up in downtown London and went to school at Christ’s Hospital where he first met lifelong friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He served in various office positions as the needs of his family required, and at age 24, with the death of his father, was placed in charge of all the family’s needs. He published his first poems in 1796 in a Coleridge collection, and published various works through the early years of the 19th century, when he had his first break with Tales of Shakespeare (1807), a joint project with his sister Mary. By this time he had gained a footing in London’s literary elite circle and had become friends with William Wordsworth, Percy Shelley, William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, and others. All his adult life he wrote for periodicals in England, particularly London Magazine, and covered everything from dreams, religion, and politics, to marriage, food, and love. Before he died he published Essays of Elia (1823), and Final Essays of Elia (1833), both collections of his contributions to London Magazine.” (Charles Lamb, Quotidiana)


  1. He has a very intelligent face. Those eyes are seeking and searching. It's a great bust. I didn't know all of his works, so I appreciate the commentary.
