Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Santo Stefano

Copy of Santo Stefano, Saint Stephen by Lorenzo Ghiberti, Orsanmichele, Via dell'Arte della Lana side, Florence

“Santo Stefano” (Saint Stephen) by Lorenzo Ghiberti, 1428 (copy)
Orsanmichele, Via dell'Arte della Lana side
Florence, April 2014

“Lamberti's marble St. Luke, which was once in the spot now occupied by Giambologna's St. Luke, is now in the Bargello. Likewise a marble St. John The Evangelist by the school of Orcagna was replaced with a bronze by Anrea Pisano (the guilds showed their importance and wealth by using bronze instead of gold, which was much more expensive) and is now in the Spedale Innocenti. And lastly, the original marble St. Stephen, again by Pisano, was replaced with a bronze version by Ghiberti. Pisano's St. Stephen can be seen at the Opera Duomo. ” (Sculptures of Orsanmichele, Orsanmichele)

See also: Christ and St. Thomas - San Luca - Madonna delle Grazie Altar - San Matteo

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