Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Secret Denunciations

Lion's Mouth postbox for anonymous denunciations, Palazzo Ducale, Doge's Palace, Venice

“Lion's Mouth” postbox for anonymous denunciations
Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace)
Venice, September 2013

“Denontie secrete
contro chi occulterà
Gratie et officii
o colluderà per
nasconder la vera
rendita di essi”
(Secret denunciations
against anyone who will conceal
favors and services
or will collude to
hide the true
revenue from them)


  1. That's a great idea. Is it still functioning today? Rather a scary face, though; maybe to frighten away the anonymous denouncers!

    Re your comment on Ocala: The Hitching Post is a small business that installs a variety of different sized hitches on the backs of trucks and cars, these hitches used to haul trailers, boats, etc. They also sell hitch accessories, such as extensions and tie-down cords. As you can see they also will spray the back of your pickup truck with a rubbery surface so that the truck does not get damaged when hauling certain materials. We bought a "new" car recently and wanted a hitch to use to carry bicycles - that way we can ride the many trails available in the state.

  2. Oh thank you now I know more about that shop in Ocala...

    As for denunciation, beautiful as the box may be, it makes me think of plots and scheming and cloaks and daggers...
