Saturday, August 30, 2014

San Matteo

“San Matteo” (Matthew the Apostle) by Lorenzo Ghiberti, 1420 (copy)
Orsanmichele, Via dell'Arte della Lana side
Florence, April 2014

“The exterior of the church is infinitely interesting - decorated with niches containing statues of saints commissioned by the various guilds of Florence (along with other carvings and architectural decorations). Fourteen guilds, including the silk workers, bankers, and the blacksmiths are represented. Although the program began during the late middle ages, the sculptures were not begun in earnest until the early fourteenth century. As a result, the entire range of Renaissance sculpture is represented, from the Early - Ghiberti's St. John the Baptist of 1414 (the first life-sized bronze cast in the Renaissance) - to the Late Renaissance - Giambologna's Saint Luke of 1601. All of the original works have been removed for restoration and replaced by copies.” (Sculptures of Orsanmichele, Orsanmichele)

See also: Christ and St. Thomas - San Luca - Madonna delle Grazie Altar - Santo Stefano

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