Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pescatore di Rialto

Il pescatore, The Fisherman by Cesare Laurenti, Palazzo della Pescheria, Rialto, Venice

“Il pescatore” (The Fisherman) by Cesare Laurenti, 1907
Palazzo della Pescheria, Rialto
Venice, September 2013

“The new century also saw a change in style, as the artist began treating Symbolist themes and further developed the study of Renaissance art commenced during his Florentine period, now under the influence of Art Nouveau. He took part in the Venice Biennale on a regular basis from 1895 to 1909, with a solo show of his work in 1907. A highly respected decorator and architect, he designed the new fish market at the Rialto, inaugurated in 1908, and produced some of the sculptural elements himself.” (Cesare Laurenti, Wikipedia)


  1. What I like about this is the unique face. I'd guess a real human modeled for this sculpture.

  2. I agree with Lowell, the face is striking.
