Friday, August 22, 2014

Igor Stravinsky

Graves of Igor Stravinsky and Vera Stravinsky, Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский, Isola di San Michele, Venice

The graves of Igor and Vera Stravinsky
Isola di San Michele, Cannaregio
Venice, September 2013

“Venice is no ordinary city, and neither is its cemetery. Until the early 19th century, Venetians usually buried their dead under paving stones within the central city -- not a salutary practice, particularly in times of pestilence. So the Austrian occupation decreed in 1837 that San Michele would be the only possible burial ground for most Venetians. (A Jewish cemetery dating from the 14th century is on the Lido.) Since San Michele is a very small island, however, it is usually only a temporary resting place. After about 12 years, most remains are exhumed and either cremated or deposited in an ossuary on the mainland. A few privileged families can lease space longer.” (Venice's Isle of the Dead, The New York Times)

1 comment:

  1. You've put his music in my ear now.

    I still can't get used to the idea of digging up graves.
