Tuesday, July 8, 2014

General Philip Henry Sheridan

General Philip Henry Sheridan by Joseph Pollia, Christopher Park, New York

General Philip Henry Sheridan by Joseph Pollia, 1936
Christopher Park
Christopher Street, West Village
New York, September 2007

“In 1924, the General Sheridan Memorial Committee was organized by John B. Trainer, former secretary of the Armory Board of New York City. The committee raised $6,000 through public subscription to erect the statue in Christopher Park. The statue was dedicated in elaborate ceremonies on October 19, 1936, coinciding with the 72nd anniversary of the Cedar Creek victory. A time capsule, including the names of all contributors, was sealed at the base of the statue. Italian-born sculptor Joseph Pollia, who created the statue of Sheridan, received numerous public commissions, and in 1926, also sculpted the World War I Doughboy figure known as My Buddy or the Richmond Hill War Memorial, which stands in Forest Park, Queens.” (General Philip Henry Sheridan, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation)

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