Friday, June 6, 2014

The Young Lovers

The Young Lovers by Georg Ehrlich, Festival Gardens, City of London, London

“The Young Lovers” by Georg Ehrlich, 1951
Festival Gardens, City of London
London, October 2009

“The formal layout consists of a sunken lawn with wall fountain water feature, a gift of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners in 1951, surrounded by raised paved terrace with stone parapets and seating, with planting in tubs and a number of trees including a lime hedge and a fine catalpa. The Information Pavilion now adjacent to Carter Lane Garden (q.v.) was originally positioned east of the Festival Gardens and was moved to the present site in 1955. In the west is a sculpture, ‘The Young Lovers’ by Georg Ehrlich (1897-1960), erected in 1973.” (Festival Gardens, London Gardens Online)


  1. I don't know if it's the angle but the upper parts of the bodies seem a bit too long and the lower parts like... fins.

    Still nice though.

  2. I think this is a very beautiful piece of work. Nice photo, too, with that tree in the background.
