Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chiostro degli Aranci

Chiostro degli Aranci, Cloister of the Oranges, Badia Fiorentina, Florence

Chiostro degli Aranci (Cloister of the Oranges)
Badia Fiorentina
Via del Proconsolo
Florence, April 2014

“Despite the alterations it has suffered in recent centuries, the Badia has managed to preserve the delightful Cloister of the Oranges, built between 1432 and 1438 with the assistance of Bernardo Rossellino. In the upper floor of the cloister there is a fresco cycle of Scenes from the life of St. Benedict by the anonymous Maestro del Chiostro degli Aranci (1436-39), who is perhaps to be identified with the Portuguese artist Giovanni di Consalvo.” (Badia Fiorentina, The Museums of Florence)


  1. It's a beautiful place and very well-preserved...hard to me to imagine structures built in the 15th century!

  2. Frescoes, a well, arches of the cloister, everything I love. But no oranges.

  3. I love the moss over the well.
