Saturday, May 10, 2014

Church of San Marcuola

Church of San Marcuola, Cannaregio, Venice

Church of San Marcuola (Saints Hermagoras and Fortunatus)
Campo San Marcuola, Cannaregio
Venice, September 2013

“Founded in the 9th or 10th Century and dedicated to St Ermagora and St Fortunato, which became, by the mysterious workings of Venetian dialect, San Marcuola. This church was famous for housing the right hand of John the Baptist - the one with which he'd baptised Christ. Rebuilt after a fire, which was caused by an earthquake, and reconsecrated in 1343. Barbari's map of 1500 shows the church perpendicular to the Grand Canal with the apse to the north (see detail below). This church also had a hermit's cell over the door in which three (and later six) women were walled up. They moved to the church of the Eremite when San Marcuola became unstable and needed to be rebuilt. This work began in 1663 with the chancel, and then the rest of the church, orientated parallel to the Grand Canal this time, with its apse to the east. The architect was Giorgio Gaspari, who died in 1730, after which the work was completed by Giorgio Massari.” (San Marcuola, The Churches of Venice)


  1. So how many right hands did John have??

    The cladding on the church is interesting. But I hate to think of those anchorites who were inside.

  2. Nice to know about walled in people... Beautiful façade though!
