Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bellerophon Taming Pegasus

Bellerophon Taming Pegasus by Jacques Lipchitz, Columbia University, New York

“Bellerophon Taming Pegasus” by Jacques Lipchitz, 1966-77
Jerome Greene Hall, Columbia University
Amsterdam Avenue, Morningside Heights
New York, September 2008

“‘Don't expect a blinded lady with scales and all those things from me,’ said sculptor Jacques Lipchitz when Columbia Law School approached him in 1964 to create a work of art on the campus. ‘I will try to think of something else.’ The result is the 23-ton bronze sculpture ‘Bellerophon Taming Pegasus’ towering above the west entrance of Jerome Greene Hall on Revson Plaza. At approximately 30 by 28 feet and nearly five stories high, the outdoor sculpture is one of New York City’s largest. Lipchitz's sculpture depicts the Greek hero Bellerophon wrestling with the winged horse Pegasus, whose hooves, wings and tail radiate in all directions. The tangle of bodies stands precariously atop a base that looks like a giant railroad spike driven into the stairs.” (Flying Horses, Tightrope Walkers and Other Campus Icons, Columbia University Libraries)


  1. Well yes, he did think of something else. What a jumble.

  2. OMG, that is huge! I can't imagine actually sculpting something that big. I can't imagine sculpting anything at all, but that's another story. It does look rather jumbled up, as per Cieldeqluimper.

    I'm curious as to how you got this shot...looks pretty much straight on. Were you high up in another building?

  3. Lowell - If I remember well the avenue runs in a tunnel below a grassy plaza of sorts there, so you are almost level with this thing...
