Monday, March 24, 2014

Madonna delle Grazie Altar

Madonna delle Grazie altarpiece by Bernardo Daddi, church of Orsanmichele, Florence

“Madonna delle Grazie” altarpiece by Bernardo Daddi, 1347
Madonna delle Grazie altar
Via dell'Arte della Lana
Florence, December 2013

“The interior of Orsanmichele preserves its late gothic appearance almost intact: its square layout and the positioning of the piers recall the arrangement of the original open loggia. This explains the unusual position of the Madonna delle Grazie altar, not in the centre but to the right.” (Orsanmichele, The Museums of Florence)

See also: Christ and St. Thomas - San Luca - San Matteo - Santo Stefano


  1. The church is gorgeous and your photo is stunning...the light streaming over the chancel and altar is so nice - one can see the details clearly!

  2. Exactly how much splendour can one see in one week without overdosing?
