Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Fisher Boy

Il Pescatore, The Fisher Boy by Vincenzo Gemito, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence

“Il Pescatore” (The Fisher Boy) by Vincenzo Gemito, 1874-1876
Museo nazionale del Bargello (Bargello National Museum)
Via del Proconsolo
Florence, October 2013

“Maybe you will feel that way about my favorite here Il Pescatore (The Fisher Boy) by Vincenzo Gemito from 1874-1876. But I love the natural gesture of this bronze figure sculpture. I like that the patina is not what my foundry calls ‘cowboy brown’ or worse – shiny. I love the way the boy’s toes are gripping the mound he is squatting on. I can remember this feeling of slowly sliding down the side of the muddy river bank, while trying not to.” (Gemito Sculpture Bargello Museum, Fine Art by Kelly Borsheim)