Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Port Jersey

Global Terminal, Bayonne, New Jersey, Port Jersey, Port of New York and New Jersey, Upper New York Bay, New York

Global Terminal, Bayonne (New Jersey), Port Jersey
Port of New York and New Jersey
Upper New York Bay
New York, September 2008

“Vessel access to Global terminal is through a straight 6,000 foot long channel, 750 feet wide with a depth of 45 feet at mean Low Water (MLW) with no air draft restrictions. By the end of 2011, the USACE plans to dredge the channel depth to 50 feet. This channel is linked to the Ambrose Anchorage Channels. At the west end of the access channel is a 1,200 foot turning basin. The number of berths total 2 spread over a length of 1800 feet, equipped with 6 Post Panamax quay cranes. Construction is underway to extend the berth to 2700 feet by 2013.” (Terminal Overview, Global Terminal & Container Services)

1 comment:

  1. What was I saying about over Panamax? :-) Cool shot and now I know there's a Bayonne that isn't in Basque country.
