Monday, February 3, 2014

Loggia Amulea

Loggia Amulea, Prato della Valle, Padua

Loggia Amulea
Prato della Valle
Padua, September 2013

“La Loggia Amulea is a neo-Gothic building located in Prato della Valle, the majestic Piazza of Padova. The palace was the home of the fire brigade of Padua from 1906 to 1989, and currently houses some municipal offices. The front of the building is characterised by an elegant porch. In the great room adjoining the balcony are celebrated civil marriages.” (La Loggia Amulea, Daniel Stefan Gandolfo)


  1. I see definitely see the neo-Gothic, but I'm thinking I'm also seeing some Moorish influence? Is that possible?

  2. It is absolutely gorgeous for a fire brigade's home!
