Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Cabmen's Shelter

Cabmen's Shelter, Thurloe Place, South Kensington, London

Cabmen's Shelter
Thurloe Place, South Kensington
London, October 2009

“These shelters were small green huts, which were not allowed to be larger than a horse and cart, as they stood on the public highway. Between 1875 and 1914, 61 of these buildings were built around London. Most were staffed by an attendant who sold food and (non-alcoholic) drink to the cabbies and were provided with a kitchen in which the attendant could cook this food and also food provided by the cabbies themselves. The attendant was not generally paid, but was expected to make an income from these sales. The shelters were also provided with seats and tables and books and newspapers, most of them donated by the publishers or other benefactors. Most could accommodate ten to thirteen men. Gambling, drinking and swearing were strictly forbidden.” (Cabmen's Shelter Fund, Wikipedia)


  1. Good grief. So many years spent in London and I never noticed one?

  2. What an interesting concept. I'm surprised they are still there.

  3. Not sure I have ever seen one of these!

  4. I bet all three on those vices are in evidence there with the cabbies today.
