Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Villa Medici Obelisk

The Egyptian obelisk from Villa Medici in Rome, Boboli Gardens, Florence

The Egyptian obelisk from Villa Medici in Rome
Giardino di Boboli (Boboli Gardens)
Florence, October 2013

“The main treasure the Grand Dukes moved to Boboli from Villa Medici is the Egyptian obelisk which once stood in Isaeum/Serapeum Campense a large complex of Temples dedicated to the Egyptian gods Isis (hence Isaeum) and Serapis (hence Serapeum) in Campus Martius (see a page on the obelisks of Rome). The obelisk was originally erected by Ramses II in Heliopolis. A copy now stands in Villa Medici.” (Florentine Recollections - in Boboli Gardens, A Rome Art Lover's Web Page)

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