Friday, November 29, 2013

Raoul Follereau

Raoul Follereau by Dominique Kaeppelin, place Raoul Follereau, Paris

Raoul Follereau by Dominique Kaeppelin, 1984
Place Raoul-Follereau
Quartier de l'Hôpital-Saint-Louis, 10th arrondissement
Paris, July 2012

L’apôtre des lépreux
(The Apostle of the Lepers)
Personne n'a le droit d'être heureux tout seul
(No one has the right to be happy by themselves)

“In 1936, the director of an Argentine newspaper asked him to go to Sahara region to tread Father de Foucauld's steps, whose 20th anniversary of death was about to be celebrated. It was during one of these travels that Follereau met the leprosy-affected persons for the first time. In the following ten years he traveled the world many times, holding 1200 conferences which allowed him to support the building of Adzopé in Ivory Coast, the town of the leprosy affected persons.” (Raoul Follereau - A Brief Biography, AIFO)

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