Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christ and St. Thomas

Copy of San Tommaso, Saint Thomas by Andrea del Verrocchio, Orsanmichele, Via dei Calzaiuoli, Florence

“Christ and St. Thomas” by Andrea del Verrocchio (copy)
Orsanmichele, Via dei Calzaiuoli side
Florence, October 2013

“Andrea del Verrocchio was more interested than these sculptors were in movement, which he expressed in a somewhat restrained manner. His group of ‘Christ and St. Thomas’ for Or San Michele (c. 1467–83) solves the problem of a crowded niche by placing St. Thomas partly outside the niche and causing him to turn inward toward the figure of Christ.” (Western sculpture, Encyclopædia Britannica)

See also: San Luca - Madonna delle Grazie Altar - San Matteo - Santo Stefano

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