Thursday, October 3, 2013

John Whitehead Peard

Bust of Colonel John Whitehead Peard, Garibaldi's Englishman, Janiculum Hill, Rome

Bust of Colonel John Whitehead Peard (1811-1880)
Known as Garibaldi's Englishman
Passeggiata del Gianicolo
Rome, April 2013

“Known as ‘Garibaldi’s Englishman,’ Peard was an Oxford-educated lawyer and the son of a British admiral. He joined Garibaldi in 1860, ostensibly because of the brutality of the officials he witnessed during a visit to Naples. Peard fought in the wars of Italian unification and was awarded the Cross of the Order of Valour by King Victor Emmanuel II. Following Garibaldi’s retirement, Peard returned to Cornwall and lived the quiet life of a Victorian gentleman.” (Colonel John Whitehead Peard, World Digital Library)

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