Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Goffredo Mameli

Funerary monument to Goffredo Mameli by Luciano Campisi, Verano Monumental Cemetery, Roma

Funerary monument to Goffredo Mameli by Luciano Campisi, 1891
Verano Monumental Cemetery
Piazzale del Verano
Rome, April 2013

E lira e spada staranno
giusto simbolo della sua vita
sulla pietra che un dì gli ergeremo
in Roma
nel camposanto
dei Martiri della Nazione
(Both lyre and sword will remain,
as the fair symbol of his life,
on the stone we will raise in his honor one day
in Rome
in the cemetery
of the Nation's Martyrs)
— Giuseppe Mazzini

“Of his many ardent patriotic poems set to music, his fame, among many competing versifiers of 1848-49, rested upon ‘Fratelli d'Italia’ written during demonstrations in Genoa in early September 1847 and set to music by a Genoese living in Turin, Michele Novaro. It was sung throughout the revolutions, popularized by succeeding generations of Garibaldini but did not receive the status as Italy's national anthem until 1946.” (Goffredo Mameli, Encyclopedia of Revolutions of 1848)

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