Friday, August 30, 2013

Almondine Bakery

Almondine bakery, Water Street, Brooklyn, New York

Cart outside Almondine bakery
Water Street, Brooklyn
New York, September 2008

Hervé Poussot did not expect Superstorm Sandy to harm his beloved bakery. But Almondine on Water Street in Dumbo was located in Flood Zone A, just by a hair. On the night of the storm, the East River's waters rose, broke through a sidewalk-level window, and flooded his basement work area, destroying his ovens, mixers, and everything else. His insurance company didn't pay him a cent. After a lot of help from customers, his landlord, and the city's French baking community, he finally reopened a few weeks ago. Once again we can enjoy Almondine's excellent patisserie and, more importantly, some of the best baguettes in New York.” (Good Bread: Almondine Bakery Is Back Open, Serious Eats)