Thursday, July 18, 2013

Santo Stefano Bell Tower

Bell tower of the church of Santo Stefano, Venice

The bell tower of the church of Santo Stefano
Seen from Campo San Maurizio, San Marco
Venice, September 2012

Campanile 61m (198ft) electromechanical bells
Late Renaissance (1544) and leaning, with a newer top. On 7th August 1585 it was struck by lightning, collapsed onto nearby houses, and the bells melted. Replacements came from England, where Catholic churches were being stripped under Elizabeth I. Rebuilt in 17th and 18th Centuries The base was reinforced between 1902 and 1906 due to subsidence and consequent leaning. Still said to be unstable.” (Santo Stefano, The Churches of Venice)


  1. What a lean. I'd not like to live on the wrong side of that tower.

  2. So why isn't shis a famous as Pisa?

  3. ciel - I know you want me to say this: the Tower of Pisa is more beautiful!
