Monday, July 15, 2013

Piramide Cestia

Piramide di Caio Cestio or Piramide Cestia, Pyramid of Cestius, via del Campo Boario, Rome

Piramide di Caio Cestio or Piramide Cestia (Pyramid of Cestius
Via del Campo Boario
Seen from the Cimitero acattolico (Non-Catholic Cemetery)
Rome, May 2011

“Dating from the first century BC and built as a tomb for the powerful Roman magistrate Caius Cestius this is Rome's only existing ancient Egyptian-style pyramid. Experts believe that the structure has evaded collapse over the centuries due to it being incorporated into the Aurelian walls in the years 271-275.” (Restoration of Rome’s pyramid, Wanted in Rome)


  1. Quite amazing (that there even IS a pyramid there)!

  2. Yes, people think this is Egypt. I go by here very often on my way to Porta Portese.

  3. That's one of the places in Rome that I meant to visit and never had enough time...
