Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Boy with Frog

Boy with Frog by Charles Ray, Punta della Dogana, Venice

“Boy with Frog” by Charles Ray, 2009
Punta della Dogana
Venice, September 2012

“While the sculpture has its fans, it also has detractors. Although classically inspired and seemingly in keeping with much of the city’s art and architecture, some residents missed the lamppost, long a romantic meeting spot. François Pinault, the French luxury goods magnate and collector, commissioned Mr. Ray’s sculpture, made of white-painted stainless steel, after signing a 33-year-agreement with the city to transform the 17th-century Dogana, a former customs house, into an art museum filled with work from his vast collection. It opened in June 2009, on the eve of that year’s Venice Biennale. (Mr. Pinault also oversees the 18th-century Palazzo Grassi, which he opened as an art space in 2007.) Mr. Pinault warned Mr. Ray from the outset that the tip of the Dogana was controlled by the city and that a permit to keep it there would have to be renewed four times a year.” (‘Boy With Frog’ to Be Removed in Venice, The New York Times)


  1. This looks very much like a photo my father took which I posted on HTE! :-) I didn't know that it was commissioneed by Pinault though and I hope it stays there.

  2. ciel - It was removed last May.

  3. Removed? Somehow that doesn't surprise me. Glad you captured this very interesting photo while you could.
