Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Around Piazza San Marco

Campanile di San Marco (St Mark's Campanile), Piazzetta di San Marco, Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace), Ponte della Paglia (Bridge of the Straw), Venice

Campanile di San Marco (St Mark's Campanile)
Piazzetta di San Marco
Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace)
Ponte della Paglia (Bridge of the Straw)
Venice, September 2012

“From the left transept, follow the signs to the campanile. Just in front of the ticket-office stands the huge statue of an angel that crowned the bell tower until it was struck by lightning in 1993. To the left of the statue, a corridor gives access to the lift that takes you up to the bell tower. The view from the top of the tower is extraordinary: the best possible panorama across Venice itself and the lagoon.” (San Giorgio Maggiore, Time Out Venice)


  1. Nice to be above the crowd on the piazza. It's fabulous from above!

  2. How I would love to follow those signs.
