Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pope Gregory XV

Pope Gregory XV funerary monument by Pierre Legros, Ludovisi Chapel, Sant'Ignazio Church, Rome

Pope Gregory XV funerary monument by Pierre Legros
Ludovisi Chapel, Sant'Ignazio Church
Piazza di Sant'Ignazio
Rome, April 2013

“The Jesuits had a very large church which was completed before the canonization of Ignatius of Loyola and was therefore dedicated to the order (Chiesa del Gesù) Cardinal Ludovisi felt the need to dedicate a separate church to the founder of the order: S. Ignazio, the new church, was again a very large building which was completed after the death of the cardinal in 1632: it was also called Tempio Ludovisi and both Pope Gregory XV and Cardinal Ludovico Ludovisi were buried there in a most lavish monument.” (The Age of Bernini, A Rome Art Lover's Web Page)

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